Tuesday, May 8, 2007

So I made this list...

Of things I'd like to do in life. One of those things was trying to live an organic lifestyle and do more to support local farmers in these parts, because I know it's tough for them, and if they have the gumption to grow things without pesticides and hormones, well, that's something that MUST be supported to continue.

So, I heard about co-ops a couple of years ago, and it's a pretty interesting idea: join a co-op and get yourself fresh produce from the farm in increments, usually weekly or monthly, depending on the setup. Sometimes you pay for the year, sometimes, upon delivery. Some co-ops sell meat as well- it's a pretty cool idea if you're interested in giving money directly to the farmers, as opposed to the grocery store taking their cut.

there is a co-op I am reading about in Voorhees, NJ that I'm seriously considering joining- for 30-70 dollars or so, depending on the size of your family, you can have a box of organic local fruits and veg delivered to your doorstep every week.

check it out if you're at all intrested in co-ops or organic food in general.


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